I was uncomfortable and confused as to why anyone would want me to speak on imposter syndrome. I felt like I did not relate to the topic and that whatever I said in relation to the topic would be a hit or miss. I was feeling all these things because my mind would not even allow me to wrap my mind around a space or acknowledgment of knowing that could yield an imposter syndrome. In other words, I could not even consider having imposter syndrome or anything like it because that would mean that I thought I arrived/learned/grown to a place or position that could yield "imposter" - but in contrast, I had not given myself credit for anything I had accomplished to that point... so why would I believe there could be a chance of the above-mentioned challenge that is faced by sooo many people?
I realized that though I like to celebrate and cheerlead, I often did so for others and not myself. I was intentionally and wholeheartedly giving of my care, compassion, heart, and encouragement to everyone but me. Unbeknownst to me, I was still secretly dealing with my worth and how it tied into my purpose but also confusing it with my productivity.
What does it mean when you are not even kind enough to yourself to doubt yourself with imposter syndrome? Is it infantile syndrome? Is it that improper acknowledgement leaves you stuck in an infantile state ignoring all your growth and evolution? Once I realized the negative narratives I allowed to run and stay rent-free in my mind, I released and reframed my thoughts. There is so much work for us to do... but if you are managing imposter or infantile syndrome... here is your opportunity to recognize where you are, release it, reframe it, and then rewrite it.
Each new day is a new opportunity for you and I to release whatever BS we've picked up along our journey that we are now intentionally let fall to the waste side. It is time for us to practice restorative roots, in an intentional act of love for self and outright love and acknowledgement for where we are and what we've accomplished.
I am taking each step with intention and speaking to the foolishness that will no longer dwell within my thoughts and I hope not your thoughts either.
Be good to yourself.
